ADMISI take an enterprise based approach to Risk Management whilst maintaining close interaction with our Account Executives, both on a daily basis as well as part of our annual risk management review process.

We have dedicated Market Risk and Credit Risk teams and management of electronic trading platforms forms part of the wider risk group. Live support is available from 7am until 11.30pm.

An extensive suite of overnight monitoring reports are further enhanced by a state of the art intraday monitoring platform, with live price feeds and frequent updates of your positions through the day. This allows the Risk function to see the impact of price changes on our client positions, giving our clients comfort we have our finger on the pulse when market moves are abound.

Committees dedicated to our OTC product offerings ensure our margins are applied using a risk based view, giving consideration to market volatility, along with a commercial aspect.

Portfolio as well as OTC products back-test are run daily to ensure account margins are calibrated accordingly in line within our risk confidence levels. Tail risk is assessed with stress testing and discussed in our weekly Market Risk Committee. Mitigation actions included but are not limited to Exchange margin multipliers, buffer margin or positions/margin limits.

Risk Management
+44 20 7716 8114